All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AnalyzingInfixSuggester |
Analyzes the input text and then suggests matches based on prefix matches to any tokens in the
indexed text.
AnalyzingSuggester |
Suggester that first analyzes the surface form, adds the analyzed form to a weighted FST, and
then does the same thing at lookup time.
BitsProducer |
A producer of Bits per segment.
BlendedInfixSuggester |
Extension of the AnalyzingInfixSuggester which transforms the weight after search to take into
account the position of the searched term into the indexed text.
BlendedInfixSuggester.BlenderType |
The different types of blender.
BufferedInputIterator |
This wrapper buffers incoming elements.
BytesRefSorter |
Collects BytesRef and then allows one to iterate over their sorted order.
CombineSuggestion |
A suggestion generated by combining one or more original query terms
Completion50PostingsFormat |
Completion84PostingsFormat |
Completion90PostingsFormat |
Completion912PostingsFormat |
Completion99PostingsFormat |
CompletionAnalyzer |
Wraps an Analyzer to provide additional completion-only tuning
CompletionPostingsFormat |
CompletionPostingsFormat.FSTLoadMode |
An enum that allows to control if suggester FSTs are loaded into memory or read off-heap
CompletionQuery |
Abstract Query that match documents containing terms with a specified prefix filtered by
BitsProducer .
CompletionScorer |
Expert: Responsible for executing the query against an appropriate suggester and collecting the
results via a collector.
CompletionsTermsReader |
Holder for suggester and field-level info for a suggest field
CompletionTerms |
CompletionTokenStream |
CompletionWeight |
Expert: the Weight for CompletionQuery, used to score and explain these queries.
ContextQuery |
ContextSuggestField |
Dictionary |
A simple interface representing a Dictionary.
DirectSpellChecker |
Simple automaton-based spellchecker.
DirectSpellChecker.ScoreTerm |
DocumentDictionary |
Dictionary with terms, weights, payload (optional) and contexts (optional) information taken from
stored/indexed fields in a Lucene index.
DocumentValueSourceDictionary |
Dictionary with terms and optionally payload and optionally contexts information taken from
stored fields in a Lucene index.
ExternalRefSorter |
ExternalRefSorter.ByteSequenceIterator |
Iterates over BytesRef s in a file, closes the reader when the iterator is exhausted.
FileDictionary |
Dictionary represented by a text file.
FreeTextSuggester |
FSTCompletion |
Finite state automata based implementation of "autocomplete" functionality.
FSTCompletion.Completion |
A single completion for a given key.
FSTCompletionBuilder |
Finite state automata based implementation of "autocomplete" functionality.
FSTCompletionLookup |
FSTUtil |
Exposes a utility method to enumerate all paths intersecting an Automaton with an FST .
FSTUtil.Path<T> |
Holds a pair (automaton, fst) of states and accumulated output in the intersected machine.
FuzzyCompletionQuery |
A CompletionQuery that match documents containing terms within an edit distance of the
specified prefix.
FuzzySuggester |
HighFrequencyDictionary |
HighFrequencyDictionary: terms taken from the given field of a Lucene index, which appear in a
number of documents above a given threshold.
InMemorySorter |
InputIterator |
InputIterator.InputIteratorWrapper |
Wraps a BytesRefIterator as a suggester InputIterator, with all weights set to 1
and carries no payload
JaroWinklerDistance |
Similarity measure for short strings such as person names.
LevenshteinDistance |
Levenshtein edit distance class.
Lookup |
Lookup.LookupPriorityQueue |
Lookup.LookupResult |
Result of a lookup.
LuceneDictionary |
Lucene Dictionary: terms taken from the given field of a Lucene index.
LuceneLevenshteinDistance |
Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment) implemented in a consistent way as Lucene's
FuzzyTermsEnum with the transpositions option enabled.
NGramDistance |
N-Gram version of edit distance based on paper by Grzegorz Kondrak, "N-gram similarity and
NRTSuggester |
NRTSuggester executes Top N search on a weighted FST specified by a CompletionScorer
PlainTextDictionary |
Dictionary represented by a text file.
PrefixCompletionQuery |
RegexCompletionQuery |
A CompletionQuery which takes a regular expression as the prefix of the query term.
SortedInputIterator |
This wrapper buffers incoming elements and makes sure they are sorted based on given comparator.
SpellChecker |
Spell Checker class (Main class).
(initially inspired by the David Spencer code).
StringDistance |
Interface for string distances.
SuggestField |
Field that indexes a string value and a weight as a weighted completion against a named
SuggestIndexSearcher |
Adds document suggest capabilities to IndexSearcher.
SuggestMode |
Set of strategies for suggesting related terms
SuggestStopFilter |
Like StopFilter except it will not remove the last token if that token was not followed
by some token separator.
SuggestStopFilterFactory |
SuggestWord |
SuggestWord, used in suggestSimilar method in SpellChecker class.
SuggestWordFrequencyComparator |
Frequency first, then score.
SuggestWordQueue |
Sorts SuggestWord instances
SuggestWordScoreComparator |
Score first, then frequency
TernaryTreeNode |
The class creates a TST node.
TopSuggestDocs |
TopSuggestDocs.SuggestScoreDoc |
ScoreDoc with an additional CharSequence key
TopSuggestDocsCollector |
Collector that collects completion and score, along with
document id
TSTAutocomplete |
Ternary Search Trie implementation.
TSTLookup |
UnsortedInputIterator |
This wrapper buffers the incoming elements and makes sure they are in random order.
WFSTCompletionLookup |
Suggester based on a weighted FST: it first traverses the prefix, then walks the n
shortest paths to retrieve top-ranked suggestions.
WordBreakSpellChecker |
A spell checker whose sole function is to offer suggestions by combining multiple terms into one
word and/or breaking terms into multiple words.
WordBreakSpellChecker.BreakSuggestionSortMethod |
Determines the order to list word break suggestions